So What is Epsilon Learners Foundation?

Epsilon Learners is dedicated to making quality education accessible to all, especially underserved and foster children. Through a combination of grants, donations, and revenue generated from retail subscriptions to, we are able to fund our mission services, providing free access to those who need it most. Squircle Labs offers an engaging learning platform that combines the excitement of video games, such as Minecraft, with coding education. This unique approach helps young learners develop valuable coding skills in a fun, safe, and supportive atmosphere. By leveraging our resources, we strive to create equal opportunities for every child to unlock their potential and prepare for a brighter future.

How do Retail Subscriptions Fund Mission Services?

At Epsilon Learners, the revenue generated from retail subscriptions to our platform, Squircle Labs, priced at $24.99/month or $250/annual, plays a crucial role in maintaining and expanding our platform. These funds enable us to effectively manage the platform, create engaging and educational content, and provide valuable learning resources. Additionally, they allow us to hire seasoned experts and dedicated educators who contribute to the development of our innovative curriculum. We take pride in our commitment to using funds generated from retail subscriptions exclusively for our mission services, ensuring that we continue to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young learners and their educational journeys.

How does Mission Services Benefit Kids?

With free access to the Squicle Labs platform, funded by Epsilon Learners, young learners are able to access engaging educational content. In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, computer science education is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for individual growth, social development, and economic advancement. Providing free computer science education to underserved and foster children is a crucial step in fostering a more equitable and inclusive society. It helps address systemic inequalities and bridge the digital divide that disproportionately impacts these vulnerable populations.


Empowering Kids: Gaining access to computer science education can empower underserved and foster children by equipping them with valuable skills needed to succeed in an increasingly technology-driven world. It can boost their self-confidence, encourage critical thinking, and enable them to become creators and innovators, rather than just passive consumers of technology.


Economic Mobility: By providing free computer science education, in a safe, controlled environment we are creating opportunities for upward economic mobility among historically disadvantaged populations. This education can pave the way for high-paying, in-demand careers in technology, helping to break the cycle of poverty and providing a foundation for financial stability.


Diversity and Inclusion: The technology industry has long suffered from a lack of diversity. Ensuring that underserved and foster children have access to computer science education can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce, which has been proven to foster creativity, innovation, and better decision-making.


Building Strong Communities: A well-educated and skilled population is vital to the overall well-being of any community. By equipping underserved and foster children with computer science skills, we are investing in the future of our communities and helping to create a more vibrant, resilient, and interconnected society.


Social Responsibility: As a society, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive. By providing free computer science education to those who may not otherwise have access, we are fulfilling our moral obligation to create a more just and equitable world.


Online Safety: The importance of online safety for children cannot be overstated in today’s digital age, where the internet has become an integral part of daily life. Safeguarding children from online threats, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and predatory behavior, is crucial in ensuring their well-being and fostering a healthy digital environment. Teaching children the principles of online safety not only helps to protect them from potential harm but also empowers them to make informed decisions and navigate the digital world with confidence. Furthermore, educating parents and caregivers about online safety equips them with the necessary tools to guide and support their children in establishing safe online habits. In essence, prioritizing online safety is vital to nurturing a generation of responsible digital citizens and promoting a positive, secure online experience for all.


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Underserved and Foster Children
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